Castle crush 3
Castle crush 3


And then elsewhere, etc etc - are these really This game is fantastic and addictive. It never takes very long to get a game started with someone in a part of the world where most people are asleep. On the other hand, of course everyone is correct that you'll go on long losing streaks due to the "algorithm" that decides when you need to get beaten a few times. I am still waiting for my question to be answered and I had to get my friend who is white ask on my behalf and he got an answer not me. Absolutely revolting morals and values this company and the people who work for them they are racist and transphobic.


Still waiting since update review and nothing. I guess after months still no response to me it shows how coward you guys are to and proving how correct and right I am by your unjust actions.


This is disgusting to see this silence towards coloured skin people showing your white Caucasian privileged that needs to be stopped! I can send all the evidence I have if you want to respond or reply to me with all the receipts. Also, Yes I got the pictures and screenshot videos as receipts proof I can gladly send and share if I can on this, but I will definitely be posting this online on the Facebook groups.

castle crush 3

So how do I know the people working on this game and people who make this game are racists and discriminating against me because my friend who is white Caucasian messaged them in both the support chat on the game and online inquiry form through website and what did you know got a response 2 days later!! For asking the same exact question!! How do they know, I’m sure they look into everyone’s account and know already who’s what nationality and ethnicity and race and religion. The question is: ‘I need to have the game reset new from the beginning because it constantly freezes on me when I play even with both wifi internet and data on it always glitches and dose not work I want to change my user name?’ Literally crickets for months! No reply what so ever in the support ap chat through the game or from the inquiry form from the game website. The silence and lack of response shows no care and no regard for those who are coloured and trans background treating us like nothing. I am messaged through the support chat on the ap game and the support inquiry form on the game countless times for a simple question and never a response to solve the matter ever. Silence by not acknowledging others also shows discrimination. Both examples and incidents have the common denominator where white Caucasians are exhibiting white privileged and white supremacy racist and discriminatory attitudes that needs to be stopped. Examples on the US such as: George Floyd, Breanna Taylor and many others to Australia where Indigenous Australians are brutally attacked. In a time where people of colour are being significantly targeted and to the extent killed. Why aren’t you participating in that by telling the public how many of your employees are black or coloured or Asian or Latino or trans or islander or indigenous? Again silence on the issue showing that you don’t care and you have discriminatory values which is absolutely revolting. Why aren’t you joining the pull up for change movement? This is started my Uoma Beauty Founder This calls out any brands/companies who are racists. The silence by not responding shows coloured skin dose not matter to you. The people running the game have racially and sexually profiled me showing white supremacy and white privileged behaviour that needs to be called out and reprimanded immediately. #colouredlivesmatter #blacklivesmatter #indigenouslivesmatter #translivesmatter.

castle crush 3

This supports my review more because it shows the white privileged and white supremacy behaviour of the people of this game towards black and coloured and trans people. I have the screenshot pics and screenshot videos as receipts. Why the need to delete my first review when it is true and legitimate? Stop deleting my honest truthful review. My friend who is white have same issues and magically got a response 2 days after lodging while I still am waiting. The company running this game and the people who work in this game are extremely Racist and Transphobic and I have the proof with all The unanswered customer online inquired left on their website, emails send to them about my question and the customer support chat. This review contains spoilers, click expand to view.

Castle crush 3